Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Day 285: Deception as an “Angel of Light”

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

The evil one hates you with a profound hate.  And the closer you draw to God, fulfilling His Divine Will, the more he will seek to attack you.  Do not fear the bark of this little dog.  One of the most common ways the evil one attempts to deceive you is by presenting himself as an angel of light.  He does this by using his natural angelic powers of influence, speaking lies that have a faint resemblance to the truth.  He rarely speaks outright with obvious lies since he knows we would immediately identify him as the source.  Instead, he seeks to manipulate the truth and lead you into confusion, tempting you to doubt the truths that God has spoken and to doubt the holy Will of God.  He may subtly remind you of your past sins and weaknesses while trying to mask the infinite Mercy of God which eliminates those sins and manifests its power through your weakness.  He may tempt you to discouragement and despair, removing from your heart the hope you have been given in Christ Jesus.  He may tempt you to anger and resentment leading you to believe that you are justified in holding on to these feelings.  Whatever the case may be, the evil one is a slippery liar and you must overcome his deceit by turning constantly to the truth of the Mercy of God (See Diary #1405).

Reflect upon the subtle lies that you have allowed yourself to believe.  Whatever they are, you will know them by their fruits: sadness, anger, hurt, confusion and the like.  Identify these and dismiss them through prayer.  Allow the Mercy of the Lord’s Truth to permeate your soul and set you free.

Lord, help me to know the truth and to be set free through this knowledge.  Please protect me from the subtle lies and deceptions of the evil one.  I rebuke him in Your holy Name and entrust myself to Your protecting Hand.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Day 284: Living in the Moment

(Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

One common temptation that many face is that of living either in the past or in the future, and failing to live in the present moment.  You live in the past when you remain controlled by past events, sins, hurts, etc.  The past must be healed and your sins of the past must be forgiven.  Once that is done, you must let go of the past and not allow it to affect you in a negative way.  The past can affect you for good when 1) you learn from the mistakes you have made, 2) you are strengthened by the healing of past hurts, 3) you continue to rejoice in all that God has done for you.  You are affected negatively by the past when you dwell on your past sins and hurts, failing to seek forgiveness and healing.  You live in the future when your mind is constantly obsessed with that which is out of your control.  It’s easy to fear the future or to be anxious about it, but you must remember that the future is not yet here and you ought not allow fears or worries about it to cause undue stress.  All we have is the present moment.  Therefore, it must be your constant goal to live each moment, day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute.  Be present to the present moment.  Embrace it, live it and encounter the love and Mercy of God as He is present to you here and now (See Diary #1400).

Do you struggle letting go of the past or trying to control the future?  Seek to embrace this present moment and all will be well.  Reflect upon this tendency and especially look at what God wants of you today.  Keep your focus upon this present moment and seek to meet our Lord in it.  His Mercy awaits you here and now.

Lord, I offer to You all the events of my past and entrust to Your care all that will happen in the future.  Free me from past hurts and sins, and alleviate my worries about the future.  Help me to meet You and Your abundant Mercy in this present moment alone.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Day 283: Overcoming Sin

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

The message of God’s Mercy is so simple that we can easily miss it, even after reflecting upon the many pages of this book or upon the Diary of Saint Faustina.  The simple truth that the message of God’s Mercy must convey is that we should have no fear, whatsoever, of admitting our sins and trusting in God’s perfect forgiveness.  Fear easily paralyzes us and keeps us from being honest in regard to our sins.  But if you understand the Mercy of God and realize how all-consuming it is, fear will have no power over you.  And though this may be easier to understand in theory, it can be very hard to embrace in your actions.  The only way to fully enter into the Mercy of God is to give Him that which properly belongs to you, namely, your sins.  Do not hesitate in doing this.  Have full confidence in your loving Father and allow the light of His Mercy to replace the darkness of your sin (See Diary #1396).

How easily can you admit your sins to God?  And when you do so, are you able to admit them with full confidence and hope?  Are you able to admit them in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the greatest source of God’s Mercy?  You do not need to carry guilt and shame in regard to your sins no matter what they are.  Trust in the omnipotent love of God and let go of your hesitation and fear.  If you do this, you will discover that joy will begin to permeate your soul and lift the heavy burden that sin imposes.

Lord, please remove all fear from my life.  Cleanse me of my sin and free me from the burdens they impose.  Give me full confidence in the abundance of Your Mercy and open my heart to receive all that You wish me to receive.  I love You, dear Lord, may I allow that love to dispel all that is not of You.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 282: Suffering, Persecution, Abuse & Disgrace

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

This heading may not seem immediately attractive to you.  Who would want to endure these things?  But we ought to remember that Jesus endured them all to the greatest degree.  Was Jesus happy?  Was His soul at peace?  Most certainly.  This reveals to us that these crosses in life cannot ultimately do us harm if we are immersed in the presence of God.  Remember Jesus agonizing in the Garden, or the mockery He endured, or the rejection that many directed at Him, yet in all of this He remained in a peaceful repose.  Nothing in this world can steal us away from a profound peace if we remain immersed in the presence of God.  All the suffering, persecution, abuse and disgrace in the world cannot ultimately have victory over a soul given to God (See Diary #1394).

Reflect upon that which has the effect of stealing your peace away.  If you were perfect, this would not happen.  That may be hard to accept but it’s true.  We easily point to this or that as the source of our unrest when the source is always within.  It’s either a sin we have clung to, such as anger, or a sin of omission, such as a lack of trust.  Whatever your experience is, do not get caught up on your sin.  Simply turn your eyes to our merciful Lord and know that He can keep you in His peace through anything if you let Him.

Lord, I invite You to take control of all my inner thoughts, feelings and emotions.  Bring stillness and peace to my heart as I continue through this life filled with struggle.  When I experience the harshness of others, help me to use that as an opportunity for greater trust in Your Mercy.  I know that in all things I can remain wrapped in Your arms of grace.  I give myself to You, dear Lord, please protect me and keep me close to Your Heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saturday, August 27, 2016



"Hidden Tears"

Day 281: The Immovable Will of God

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

At times, when we love God with a profound love, we may find that we have strong impulsions to do great things for God.  And yet, despite our desire and firm resolve, it can seem as if God is not permitting our work to move forward.  This may be because the Lord is not ready to act.  Though it’s good to have a strong desire to do great things for God, we must always remember that our desires must align with the perfect timing and wisdom of the Will of God.  He knows best and He will allow the work He inspires to come to fruition when He wills it, not before.  Surrendering your impulsions to God is a way of letting God purify the work He calls you to do so that it is ultimately His work in us and not our own work done in accord with our own idea of what is good.  God’s Will is immovable and all the longings and desire in the world will not move Him to act contrary to His perfect plan set forth at the perfect time.  Humble yourself before God so that He will bless the world with His Mercy through You in the way He desires (See Diary #1389).

Do you have a heart filled with the desire to serve our Lord?  Hopefully you do.  Reflect upon these desires and know that they please our Lord.  But also reflect upon the fact that, if they are to come to perfection, even the most pure desire must be submitted to the Will of God.  Make that prayerful resolution today and God will use your heartfelt desire to manifest His Heart of Mercy to the world.

Lord, I do desire to serve You with all my heart.  Please increase that desire and purify it so that my will dissolves into Yours.  Help me to let go of even my “good” ideas as I submit to Your wisdom and love.  I do love You, dear Lord, and desire to be used by You in accord with Your perfect Will.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Day 280: Ignoring God

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Do you ignore God?  It’s far too easy to do and, therefore, all too common.  Very often, God is ignored after receiving Holy Communion.  Many people get in the habit of coming forward to receive Him and do so with many distractions and little attention to the sacredness of this encounter.  Do not allow yourself to fall into this habit.  Receiving our Lord in Holy Communion must become a profoundly intimate encounter.  Our souls are fused as one in this moment and we must be attentive to this reality.  Though Holy Communion is the most profound encounter we can have with our Lord, we must be deeply aware of His presence all the time.  When we pray to Him, we must allow ourselves to not only say prayers, but to be drawn into His glorious presence and consumed by His Mercy.  As we go throughout our day, we must be constantly aware of Him walking with us, leading us and speaking to us.  Do not ignore our Lord.  If you find that you do this at times, or if it has become a regular habit, know that the opposite habit can be formed.  Making regular choices to be aware of Him within you and all around you will open the door to you walking in His Mercy every day (See Diary #1385).

Reflect upon your attentiveness to our Lord as honestly as you can.  Reflect, especially, upon your attentiveness to Him as He comes to you in Holy Communion.  Seek Him, listen to Him and receive Him, and your life will take on a new direction.

Lord, I know that I ignore You at times and that I fail to be attentive to Your gentle and holy Voice speaking in the depths of my conscience.  I know that I do not properly reverence You and adore You in the countless ways that You come to me.  Give me the grace to form a holy habit of always knowing that You are near.  As I form this habit, give me the grace to love You with all my heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Day 279: Your Inner Conviction

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

You must seek to hear God speak to you through an inner conviction within your soul.  At times you may sense that God’s Voice is loud and clear, and at other times it may seem faint and confusing.  There are many things that can compete with the Voice of God but if you are open, you will come to know His Voice with familiarity.  This is important for your spiritual life.  Learning to hear Him speak and coming to recognize His Voice allows you to more easily walk in His ways throughout your life.  Seek to know this inner conviction that His Voice presents to you.  And as you learn to discern it, grow in confidence at His commands of love.  Daily obedience to Him in this way must become the foundation of all that you do in life and it will become an abundant source of His outpoured Mercy (See Diary #1383).

How familiar are you with the Voice of God?  You most likely will not hear Him speak to you in an audible way.  His Voice often comes as a strong sense that we ought to do this or avoid that.  He speaks by influencing our will even more than our mind.  We may be attentive in our mind to what we sense, but the conviction God gives us is a spiritual sense.  Though God may speak to each person in a unique way, this inner conviction is a common experience of God’s communication.  Reflect, today, upon God speaking in this way and if you struggle with this goal, recommit yourself to listen.  Through this habit you will discover the abundant Mercy that God has in store for you as He guides you day by day.

Lord, I desire to hear Your Voice speaking to me in the depths of my conscience.  Please do speak and fill my will with a sense and a conviction of Your holy and perfect Will.  May I learn to be attentive to You every day and follow Your gentle commands as the guiding light of my life.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"Pray, hope and don't worry!"

Day 278: Windows to the Mysteries of God’s Mercy

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Saint Faustina was asked to have an image of Jesus painted with rays of Mercy flowing from His Heart.  She did so and Jesus affirmed to her that many souls would be drawn to Him through this image.  It’s interesting to think about the importance that Jesus and Saint Faustina gave to this image.  Indeed it speaks volumes regarding the Mercy flowing radiantly from His wounded Heart.  It’s also insightful to think about this in a more general way, namely, that a sacred image of any sort can become a source of Mercy.  But the reason for this is that sacred art speaks a language.  It communicates the Gospel message and meditating upon a sacred image opens your heart to hear God speak in a new way (See Diary #1379).

Reflect upon the Gospel images that you have in your home.  Do you have many or very few?  Do not shy away from filling your home with sacred images reflecting the message of the Gospel.  Additionally, it is important to spend time in prayer with these images.  Take a moment today to find the image of Divine Mercy that our Lord asked Saint Faustina to have painted.  Spend quiet time looking at it and “listening” to it.  What does God say to you through this image?  He will certainly speak the fundamental message of His Mercy in that the rays of blood and water shine forth from His wounded Heart in a radiant way.  These rays cover the Earth and shine on you day and night.  But what else does God say to you through this image?  Spending time prayerfully gazing upon this image and others will allow you to hear God speak of the mysteries of His love.

Lord, I know that any representation of You is but a drop of water compared to the reality.  Help me in my prayer to be drawn into the reality of Your perfect love and Mercy as I meditate upon the sacredness that holy images represent.  May I meet You, dear Lord, through these treasures of art and grace.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Day 277: Mercy to Dispel Tension

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Tension is often a part of life.  Some deal with much tension, frustration and even extreme anger in their daily lives.  At first, the anger of another can set you on guard and tempt you to fear.  This is a normal reaction.  The anger of another can also push you to react and to fight back with anger, spite and bitterness of your own.  You may get defensive and even lash out.  But the Mercy of God is able to bring peace to any situation.  His Mercy is bestowed when you turn a blind eye to the anger you face from another and speak as sweetly to them as you would to Jesus.  Leave the wrath of God to God.  If He inspires you to bring forth His holy wrath, you will know what to say and how to say it and this will be an act of His Mercy.  But don’t be surprised if God inspires you to act with extraordinary kindness in such a situation.  This takes great resolve and a tremendous amount of patience. Do not allow yourself to become engaged by or tangled in the irrational wrath of another.  Instead, let the peace of God’s Mercy so flood your soul that, through you, His grace dispels all vice (See Diary #1377).

Reflect upon any regular situations of tension and anger you deal with.  Perhaps you are the cause or perhaps you are the target.  Whatever the case may be, know that God’s peace can reign.  Seek His peace, keep your eyes upon it and allow this firm focus to become a source of His abundant Mercy.  He loves you and wants to free you from these burdens.

Lord, I invite You into the tension in my life.  First, I surrender my own frustrations and anger to You.  Please free me from these unruly passions and replace them with Your peace.  Help me also, dear Lord, when I face the unjust wrath of another.  Keep me calm and focused upon Your Heart.  Help me to react as You will and to be an instrument of Your peace.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Day 276: Seeing Without Accomplishing

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Does God get angry with you when you do not accomplish a certain task for His glory?  It depends.  He may issue forth His holy wrath if the failure is on account of your sin.  This wrath is an act of His Mercy calling you to repentance.  But at other times your work and service of God may be hindered by things beyond your control.  The Lord knows this and sees it.  You may wonder at times why God does not “fix” this or that problem.  You may wish you had it in your power to move someone to act when they appear to be a hindrance to your work of mercy.  But this is not your concern.  Your concern must be to do all that is in your power to accomplish the Will of God, leaving the rest to Him.  God is pleased by your efforts, not by your successes.  He does not measure the objective success; rather, He measures the subjective success.  In fact, sometimes God allows many obstacles to arise as a way of purifying your work and sanctifying your soul through patience and deepening resolve.  Do your duty and that will suffice for the work of His Mercy our Lord has given you (See Diary #1374).

Think about that which you believe God has given you as a duty to perform.  It may be some ordinary activity or it may be something that appears to be grander in nature.  Reflect, also, upon apparent obstacles you encounter in fulfilling your duty.  Try not to look at these “obstacles” as obstacles at all.  Rather, see them as opportunities to deepen your resolve to fulfill the mission of Divine Mercy God has given to you.

Lord, help me to be faithful to You in all that I do.  Help me to refrain from focusing on the results of my efforts and, instead, to offer my effort to You for Your glory.  I know You are pleased by my total dedication to You, dear Lord.  Help me to daily resolve to deepen that dedication so as to become a better instrument of Your Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Day 275: The Glory of Humdrum Days

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

At first thought, “humdrum” and “glory” may not appear to go together unless they were used in contrast.  But these two words are married together in the Mind of God.  They are “married” in the sense that we are able to glorify God and obtain holiness through our day-to-day humdrum duties.  Though this may not be immediately apparent, understanding this unlocks a door to the treasures of Heaven in countless ways.  By discovering this deep spiritual truth you are able to offer every moment of every day to God and win His abundant Mercy through every action of your life.  For example, even your breathing can become a source of the Mercy of God when you offer it to Him for His glory.  If that doesn’t make immediate sense to you don’t dismiss it.  Seek to offer and sanctify every action and you will begin to discover that every action of every day can become a source of the continual outpouring of the Mercy of God (See Diary #1373).

Try a simple exercise today.  As you breathe in, pray interiorly that the Will of God enters your soul, and as you breathe out, offer your own selfishness to God.  Try to think about this as often as you can throughout the day.  Pretty soon you will discover that you are glorifying God even through this most basic human act.  Discovering this will help you realize that every act of your day, no matter how small, can become a source of the outpouring of the Mercy of God.

Lord, as I breathe in I invite Your perfect Will and Mercy into my life.  And as I breathe out, I submit to Your Mercy all my sin and self-will.  Jesus, please consume every act I do this day.  May even the smallest act be done for You and for Your glory.  Nothing is too small for You, dear Lord.  May I discover Your abundant Mercy in all things throughout my day so that my life may become a continual offering to You and a constant instrument of Your Mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Day 274: Renewing Your Vows

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

It is a common practice for those who are married to renew their vows from time to time, especially on significant anniversaries.  The renewal of vows and promises also takes place by priests and religious.  This practice is a good and holy one in that we must constantly renew our total dedication to God in our vocation.  But the renewal of vows and promises to God should go beyond our particular vocations and enter every universal vocation to holiness.  Through Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion you have been given over to God for His service.  You are His and He is yours and this mutual exchange of your hearts must be renewed daily.  In fact, the reception of Holy Communion has this renewal as one of its goals.  Not only do you receive our Lord into your soul in this precious gift, you also renew your total self-giving to God through its reception.  As you daily renew your total commitment to our Lord, allow Him to consume every part of your life as if a blazing fire were consuming a log.  Allow your renewal to consume your sin, weakness, sufferings and even joys.  Let everything in your life be for the glory of God and the manifestation of His Divine Mercy (See Diary #1369).

Ponder today how often you renew your total commitment to our Lord and His holy Will.  Reflect upon the image of a blazing fire consuming a log.  See this as an image of what happens when you renew your love of God and your commitment to Him through your vocation to holiness.  Hold nothing back, surrendering all each and every day.  Let God consume you completely, transforming you into His Mercy.

Lord, I renew, today, the vows of my Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.  I renew the total dedication of my life to You and surrender all for Your service.  Receive me, Lord, and do with me as You will. I am Yours, Lord, given without reserve.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Day 273: No Earthly Ties, Only Love of God

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

The pinnacle of our relationship with God includes being stripped of every other earthly tie so that nothing holds us back from running toward God with great passion and purpose.  We must be freed of every attachment in this life so that our one attachment is God and His holy Will.  This does not mean we ought to neglect our love for others.  This is especially true with family love.  Love for those in your family must take on a special focus and become total and irrevocable.  However, there is a difference between loving your family with a perfect love and being attached to them in an earthly way.  In fact, holy detachment is necessary if you are to love with the Heart of Christ.  Loving Jesus as your one desire in life will direct you to Him through others.  You will love Christ in your family and in all aspects of your earthly vocation.  But your love for all will be a love for Christ when you love Him with this perfect love.  When this happens, every other attachment will be transformed into your love of God (See Diary #1365).

What do you love in this world?  What is it that you are attached to?  Think about your greatest earthly loves.  Hopefully these loves include family members and others whom God has put in your life.  Now examine those loves and ponder whether they are centered in Christ.  By loving them are you actually loving God?  Or do these earthly loves remain ends in themselves?  Reflect upon the goal of making love of God the one and only focus of your life and try to discover how you love God in and through every other person and every aspect of your life.

My Lord, I love You and desire to love You above all else and in all else.  May You become the one and only goal of my love.  As I love You in all Your creatures may I be drawn closer to You and lavish Your perfect mercy upon their lives.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Day 272: The External Manifestation of the Heart

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

No one can see your heart except you and God.  God is aware of every detail of your interior life to a perfect degree; you see the details of your interior life to an imperfect degree.  Nonetheless, it is important to become increasingly aware of the reality of your inner life.  See your soul as a hidden and secret world in which the Mercy of God resides.  Allow the inner chambers of your heart to become consumed with the love of God.  This holy and pure love of God must direct all things within you.  And although others will not see that which takes place within you, they will see the good fruits that come forth from your life and these good fruits will become an exterior witness to the Mercy of God alive within you.  Though the inner life is hidden, it must become manifest so that the secret workings of God will produce Mercy in a visible and radiant way (See Diary #1363).

Are you aware of the powerful work of God within your soul?  Are you attentive to His merciful hand, leading you and guiding you within this secret sanctuary of your interior life?  Fix your interior gaze upon the pure love of God and allow this hidden place to bring forth an abundance of good fruit.  As the good fruit of your life is produced, allow it to be made manifest for the world to see and to be inspired and changed by the Mercy of God coming forth from you.  Ponder today this direct connection between your interior and exterior and allow your heart to shine forth.

Lord, I love You with a burning love.  Please continually purify my heart so that Your grace may become active and alive within my soul. As You work Your miracles of grace in my life, bring forth the good fruit of Mercy in my exterior actions so that Your works will become a public testimony to the pure love that is alive in my heart.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

10:44 pm. I want to be honest to myself! I'm not ok, neither gettin' any better. Parang feeling ko ay unti-unti nang nasisira ang aking buhay. Para bang wala man lamang akong nakikitang progress sa aking sarili. Everyday and every night as I'm embracing my bed, iniisip ko,"Ano kaya ang aking mararating? Meron pa nga ba?" These questions are the same bad dreams I'm facing everyday. 
Bakit? Kasi, at this age of 23 ay parang wala pa akong naaachieve sa buhay. Hindi ko nga alam kung makakabalik pa ako ng seminaryo at makagraduate later on. Naaawa lang ako sa aking sarili most especially sa aking pamilya kasi hindi tulad ng mga mas bata pa sa akin: schoolmates during highschools, seminary brothers and colleagues, ay unti-unti na nilang naaabot ang kanilang mga pangarap. At this very time ay meron na silang maipagmamalaki at napakasakit sa akin iyon. Wala akong mapagsabihan na kahit sino kasi ayaw ko na maawa sila at the same time ay mag-alala sa akin. Parang feeling ko na sa aking buhay ay patapon. I'm indeed helpless.
But there is this very wonderful experience experience I had a while ago. As I was making a blog for the daily reflection on Divine Mercy, there is this encouragement na until now is still remain in my head, "The truth is nothing in you life is insignificant to the Lord". 
I know God in this simple way try to remind me na,"walang nasasayang basta pilitin mo lang sumunod sa Akin." I felt relieved at naisip ko na Kailangan ko lang muling magbalik-loob sa kanya and He will make everything in control. 
Kaya sana dapat kong isipin araw-araw na "Yes Lord to your will!"
"O Little Flower"

Day 271: Looking Past the Obstacles in Life

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

One very common tendency and temptation most people struggle with is to become fixated upon sufferings, humiliations and the false opinions of others.  When we experience one or more of these burdens, we can be tempted to make them the central focus of our life.  For example, if you are unjustly humiliated and others have an erroneous opinion of you, it can be exceptionally hard to keep this from dominating your thoughts.  Similarly, whatever it is that causes you grief or suffering can easily become the focal point of your life.  These tendencies must be overcome by a commitment to look beyond these obstacles and to gaze only on the Truth.  What is the Truth?  It’s that which is in the Mind of God.  Nothing less, nothing more, nothing other.  As you seek to look beyond the struggles of life and focus only on the Truth, you will discover God’s glorious Will.  His Will always offers us hope, confidence and joy as we move forward in life (See Diary #1360).

What is it that dominates your attention?  What is it that you are most aware of day after day?  If you tend to let yourself become drawn into the confusions of life, work to change the focus of your attention.  Instead, look only at the Will of God.  His Will is glorious, inspiring, hopeful and renewing.  Pay no attention to anything that is not contained within His Divine Will and the confusion, hurt and humiliation that you struggle with will slowly disappear as it is overwhelmed by the Mercy of God.

Lord, help me to remain focused on the Truth as it is seen by Your watchful eye and known by Your perfect Mind.  Help me to discover Your Will as the only Truth that I must know and help me to embrace Your Will with my whole being.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Day 270: The Details of the Will of God

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Are you willing to accept the Will of God in your life?  If so, you must be open to all the details.  God’s Will is not some grandiose generalization.  Choosing His Will is not simply a matter of saying that you choose to follow Him with broad strokes.  Rather, choosing His Will is saying “Yes” over and over to every little prompting and every inspiration that the Lord gives.  It’s about building a habit of attentiveness to the small ways that God speaks to you.  Mercy is also in the details since Mercy and the Will of God are one and the same.  Being open to the Mercy of God means that you come to realize that God wants to enter into the most “insignificant” parts of your life.  The truth is that nothing in your life is insignificant to our Lord.  Therefore, you must realize that those parts that you perceive as insignificant are very dear to Him.  His care and concern reaches far and wide and is offered at every moment to every detail that makes up the apparent complexity of your life.  When you realize this, you will, in turn, want to seek the fine details of His holy Will.  You will want to serve Him in every way possible and, in so doing, you will be living in His merciful Will (See Diary #1356).

Reflect today on the small things in your life.  What is it that, at first thought, seems far from the Will of God?  Knowing that every little detail of your life is important to our Lord and is always in His sight will give you a new perspective.  As you reflect upon the small things that make up your life, turn them over to the Will of God and invite His Mercy into those details.  Doing so will lead you down the path of true happiness.

Lord, I offer You, this day, every part of my life.  Thank You for Your perfect love and concern.  Help me to love You in the details, embracing Your perfect Will in all things.  May I never tire of allowing Your Mercy to enter so as to produce the smallest acts of love.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Cavalry

Agent Melinda May (B pencil)

Agent May is one of my favorite character(aside from Coulson) in the TV series Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. One thing I love her personality is her genuine loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D. and to her comrades. She is one of the great asset of the team despite of her quiet personality but her mastery in martial arts and acrobat is indeed reliable during inevitable encounters. So, next time you encounter her, be nice or else she will not hesitate to kick some asses.

Day 269: A Twofold Gaze at Mercy and Misery

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

If you could pick two things to gaze at, what would they be?  Ideally, the two greatest things to gaze at are the Mercy of God and your own misery.  Most likely, it immediately makes sense that the Mercy of God would be one of the most important things to gaze at, but the wisdom of gazing at your own misery may not be immediately apparent.  What we need to understand is that there is danger in seeing only one or the other.  If you were to focus in on the Mercy of God without also seeing your misery, then you would not be in a position to invite that Mercy into the parts of your life that need it the most.  And if you were to gaze at your misery without also seeing the Mercy of God, you would be led into despair.  The Mercy of God is given so that every sin, hurt, confusion, struggle and the like will have a remedy.  Our Lord longs to heal us and lift our burdens.  Allow His Mercy to meet all that burdens you and His Mercy will achieve its end (See Diary #1345).

Try to take some time to quietly and reflectively gaze at both God’s Mercy and your own inner burdens.  As you look at both, try to imagine them meeting within the sanctuary of your soul.  Let the Mercy of God fuse with any misery you experience in life and, in that act, you will be allowing God to do what He longs to do.

Lord, please have Mercy on me and heal me.  Help me to see the areas of my life that are in grave need of Your Mercy.  As I see them, help me to also fix my eyes upon Your Sacred Heart from which Mercy and grace flow.  In this gaze, may I discover Your unending compassion and love and so be healed of all that burdens me.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Day 268: Pondering Death

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Perhaps thinking about your death is frightening.  It may not be something that you actually consider very often.  But it is a grace to be able to look at one’s death directly and with full confidence.  And this is only possible to do with full confidence if your life is in order and given completely to God.  If you can honestly look into your soul and see that you have made holiness your ultimate goal, then you can also look directly at death with peace and calm.  What is there to fear in that case?  What is there to fear if you have dealt with the sin and regrets you have?  There is nothing to fear in this case.  Death, to the holy soul, is a reward and a journey to look forward to with delight and anticipation (See Diary #1343).

Try to do this simple exercise today of imagining this as being your last day on Earth.  Perhaps you immediately think about family or other tasks that you need to complete first to prepare.  Or perhaps you are filled with fear because you are aware of your sin.  First, try to set aside the practical tasks that would be left unfinished and even try to set aside your concern for your family and friends.  Though these are good and holy concerns, it is helpful to look at death only in regard to the condition of your soul.  If you were to die today, would you be able to look at the merciful Heart of our Lord and tell Him, honestly, that you die with Him as your greatest love?  Could you say to Him that His Will is your primary goal in life?  If not, reflect upon any obstacle you see and use this meditation to take an honest inventory of your life.

Lord, I know that Heaven must be my goal and my focus in life.  Help me to put my eyes upon You and all that awaits.  Help me to also look honestly at the condition of my soul and to identify any obstacle in the way of my holiness.  I love You, dear Lord, help me to make You the central focus of my life.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

""Life is a Raindrop"

Day 267: Justice or Mercy?

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

It is proper to speak of both the Justice of God as well as His Mercy.  They are not opposed to each other.  His Justice will be dealt to those who refuse to repent just as it was dealt to the angels who refused to serve God.  But, for now, is it more proper to say that God is Merciful.  In fact, the evil one would love for us to become consumed with the idea that God is only Just and that He imposes His judgment upon us continually.  When this idea is accepted, it is hard to understand that God actually withholds His Justice as long as we are open to His Mercy.  Seek His Mercy, believe in it and run to it.  Do not doubt it for a moment.  Know that God offers it day and night and never tires of lavishing it upon you.  When you are faced with the fear that comes with facing His Justice, turn your eyes to His Mercy and you will be able to easily turn from all sin as you bask in the rays shining forth from His Heart (See Diary #1338).

Which of these two images of God do you reflect upon more often?  Are you frightened by God’s Justice?  Or are you consoled by His Mercy?  Both can be useful but never at the expense of the other.  We should never presume on God’s Mercy and we should never become fixated on His Justice without immediately remembering His Mercy.  Ponder His Mercy today more than anything and you will have no need to fear His Justice.  Let your heart experience His love and turn to Him with full confidence and trust.

Lord, I am aware that You are Just and will issue Your Justice upon me if I fail to turn to Your Mercy.  Therefore, I do turn to Your Mercy.  I seek it with all my heart.  I love You, Lord, and I desire to love You more.  Give me the grace to open my eyes to Your radiant Heart and to be open to all that You wish to bestow.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Day 266: Discouragement in the Face of Sanctity

(A Daily Reflection on Divine Mercy)

Do you want to be a saint? Hopefully the answer is “Yes.”  But what about this question: Do you think you can become a saint?  This may be more difficult to answer.  It’s easy to dream of sanctity and to desire it, but when faced with the task of achieving it, discouragement can easily set in.  Discouragement comes when you see the high call of holiness and conclude that you will never be able to achieve it.  You may become fixated upon a certain fault and give up, thinking that you are destined to remain lukewarm and that’s it.  You may feel as though you are a nice person and that will have to suffice.  But God has great plans for you!  He not only calls you to be a saint, He knows you can become one.  The key is to allow His Mercy to become so clear to you that you begin to realize sanctity is possible.  Holiness, or sanctity, is not achieved because we are good; rather, it’s achieved because God is merciful and we have chosen to fix our gaze upon that Mercy.  Never doubt the truth that you are both called to be a saint and that you can become a saint (See Diary #1333).

Reflect upon these two questions today.  Do I want to become a saint and can this be achieved in my life?  Look for ways that you get discouraged at the thought of holiness.  Whatever it is that is causing discouragement in you is false.  It’s not the truth.  Let the Mercy of God appear before your eyes and realize that His Mercy is able to be received by you.  And when you are open to receiving the Mercy of God, you will begin your journey to true sanctity.

Lord, I do desire to become holy as a result of Your abundant Mercy.  Remove my struggles with discouragement and help me to have hope in Your power to change me.  I give myself to You, dear Lord, and I trust that You will make me a saint.  Jesus, I trust in You.